The ZoNe Salon | Little India

- Address
The ZoNe Salon
31 Perak Rd, # 01-01, Singapore 208147 - Phone Number
- +65 8772 7498
- Opening Hours
Monday 10AM to 10PM
Tuesday 10AM to 10PM
Wednesday 10AM to 10PM
Thursday 10AM to 10PM
Friday 10AM to 10PM
Saturday 10AM to 10PM
Sunday 10AM to 10PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Nail Salon & Beauty Salon
Based on the customer reviews, this business appears to provide a wide range of services that are both high-quality and relaxing. Customers have expressed satisfaction with various treatments, from nail services to massages, facials, and more.
The staff members have been described as professional, meticulous, and friendly, providing a comfortable and welcoming environment for clients. The business seems to go above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction, such as fixing the AC when requested and accommodating last-minute appointments.
Overall, it seems like a highly recommended establishment where customers can enjoy a pampering experience and excellent service. -
Recent Reviews
- Customers are highly satisfied with the services provided by Zoe and the team at the newly opened salon, with great attention to detail and a variety of services offered.
Nail Salons & Beauty Salons
- The ZoNe Salon is featured in The Best Nail Salons & Beauty Salons In Little India
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The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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Nail Salons & Beauty Salons In Little India
Good Vibes Only @ Good Nails
31 Dalhousie Ln, #03-02, Singapore 209692
The ZoNe Salon
31 Perak Rd, # 01-01, Singapore 208147