Xin Long (新龙) Chinese Traditional Treatment Centre Chinese Physician | Aljunied

Xin Long (新龙) Chinese Traditional Treatment Centre Chinese Physician
11 Lor Bachok, Singapore 387785
Phone Number
+65 6841 7378
Opening Hours
Monday  9AM to 11PM
Tuesday  9AM to 11PM
Wednesday  9AM to 11PM
Thursday  9AM to 11PM
Friday  9AM to 11PM
Saturday  9AM to 11PM
Sunday  9AM to 11PM
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Massage & Spa
Overall, the business seems to have a mix of positive and negative reviews. Some customers have had great experiences with the traditional massages offered at the wellness center, commenting on the high quality and professionalism of the services.

Others, however, have had negative experiences, such as feeling like their money was stolen during a massage session or receiving only a mediocre leg massage. It seems like the business may have some inconsistencies in service quality, with some customers highly recommending it while others have raised concerns about honesty and skill level of the practitioners.

It may be worth investigating further before booking a service at this wellness center.
Overall, the service quality at this wellness center for massage is mixed, with some customers praising the professionalism and quality of the massages, while others have had negative experiences such as missing money during their visit.
Massage & Spas
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    The analysis above is generated based on reviews by actual customers. The views & opinions expressed on this page are those of actual customers and do not reflect the views of WhereCrowded.
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