Apple (Jewel Changi Airport)

Located At
Jewel Changi Airport
Singapore Changi International Airport
Unit Number

Store Address
78 Airport Blvd., #02-234, Singapore 819666
Phone Number
1800 407 4948
Opening Hours
Monday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Tuesday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Sunday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
About This Store
Customers can visit the store to try out Apple products, explore a variety of accessories, and receive assistance from Specialists who can answer questions and provide setup instructions. In addition, the store offers free Today at Apple sessions for learning new skills and a Genius Bar for hands-on technical support.

Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Shop
The overall customer experience of Apple Jewel Changi is highly positive. The store is described as large and conveniently located within a mall, providing relief from the heat outside. Customers appreciate the helpful and informative service provided by the staff, who are knowledgeable about the product offerings.

The Genius Bar service is also praised for its professionalism and approachability. The store's commitment to sustainability is mentioned as a positive aspect. The iconic architecture and diverse range of cutting-edge products create a unique shopping experience.

The store's tranquility in the midst of the bustling airport is also noted. Overall, customers recommend visiting Apple Jewel Changi for tech enthusiasts and travelers.
- Based On Reviews By Actual Customers

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