Hoshino Coffee (ION Orchard)

Located At
ION Orchard
2 Orchard Turn. Singapore 238801
Unit Number

Store Address
2 Orchard Turn, #B3, #22, Singapore 238801
Phone Number
Opening Hours
Monday 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Tuesday 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Wednesday 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Thursday 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Friday 11:00 AM – 10:30 PM
Saturday 11:00 AM – 10:30 PM
Sunday 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM
About This Store
Hoshino Coffee, which was established in 2011, is a popular coffeehouse in Japan with over 200 outlets. It gained recognition for its high-quality Hand-drip coffee and the Fuwafuwa Soufflé Pancake. In 2012, Hoshino Coffee expanded internationally and opened its first branch in Singapore. The restaurant's interior is designed with an old-world charm using mahogany and leather upholstery, giving it a sophisticated atmosphere. The café also features a display of its signature dishes outside the restaurant. Hoshino Coffee takes pride in its selection of premium Arabica roasted beans, carefully procured by its in-house coffee blend specialist, Master Kanno. As a result, their coffee offers a slightly sour taste with a balanced sweetness and acidity. Hoshino Coffee's location at Plaza Singapura offers a blend of Japanese-Western fusion cuisine for customers to enjoy.

Below Average
Based On Ratings By Actual Customers
Reviews - What People Think About This Shop
Based on the customer reviews, the food at the restaurant receives mixed feedback. Some customers found the food to be delicious, while others complained about issues such as undercooked steak and diluted milk tea. The service, however, received mostly negative reviews with customers highlighting rude and rushed staff, as well as long waiting times for food.

Customers also mentioned cleanliness issues and a lack of proper training for the service staff. Overall, the customer experience at the restaurant seems to be impacted by the quality of both the food and service provided.
- Based On Reviews By Actual Customers

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