The Best Filipino Food At Bedok Mall

311 New Upper Changi Road. Singapore 467360

To help you decide what to eat or try, we have gone through the reviews of all the Filipino Food at Bedok Mall so that you don't have to.

Each eatery has been given one of the following ratings based on our analysis:

  • - Great (Must Try)
  • - Good (Worth Trying)
  • - Average (Can Try)
  • - Ok (Can Eat)

Filipino Food Directory

Here are the best eateries selling Filipino Food based on users' ratings and reviews

The food at this place is creamy and flavorful, providing a refreshing alternative. The avocado-based options are impressive and the avocado jackfruit shake is delicious and natural, bringing out the creaminess of the avocado perfectly. Overall, it is a nice dessert.

Food Rating
Good (Worth Trying)
The food at Jollibee is described as juicy, crunchy, and hot when served. The fried chicken is highly praised for its taste and texture. The spicy chicken is mentioned as being especially good.

The gravy is described as interesting, with mixed reviews among customers. The Nasi Lemak receives a rating of 3/5, but is redeemed by the juicy and crunchy Jollibee chicken. Overall, the food is considered awesome and cooked to perfection.

The environment is described as cosy and comfortable.
Food Rating
Ok (Can Eat)

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