The Best Western Food At Bedok Mall

311 New Upper Changi Road. Singapore 467360

To help you decide what to eat or try, we have gone through the reviews of all the Western Food at Bedok Mall so that you don't have to.

Each eatery has been given one of the following ratings based on our analysis:

  • - Great (Must Try)
  • - Good (Worth Trying)
  • - Average (Can Try)
  • - Ok (Can Eat)

Western Food Directory

Here are the best eateries selling Western Food based on users' ratings and reviews

The food at this restaurant receives mixed reviews. Some customers have mentioned slow service and uncomfortable dining conditions due to the lack of air conditioning. However, others have had positive experiences, mentioning that the staff is good and the ingredients are well-prepared and wrapped.

Overall, it seems like a suitable place for a light meal and the Bedok Mall branch is a favorite among customers.
Food Rating
Good (Worth Trying)
The food at this outlet is described as having huge portions and tasting okay, with the exception of the disappointing steak. The pork is juicy and tender, the chicken has good flavor, and the sides are of nice portions. The mushroom and onion rings are delicious and crispy, while the tomato soup is highly recommended.

The fish and chips, however, are a big disappointment. Overall, the food is described as nice, flavorful, and amazing.
Food Rating
Good (Worth Trying)
The food at this restaurant is highly praised by customers. One customer mentioned that their food came out almost immediately after placing the order, without having to wait for a long time. Another customer enjoyed their cereal chicken cutlet and mentioned that it tasted better than expected.

The soup of the day was also described as thick and nice. In addition, the food is considered to be a good value for money, with affordable mid-range prices. The restaurant is also described as family-friendly.

Despite some minor issues with service, overall the food was enjoyed by customers.
Food Rating
Average (Can Try)
The food at this restaurant is consistently good. The chicken tenders, although only available in certain locations when ordering online, are delicious and satisfying. The chicken wings, however, may be smaller than expected.

Despite this, the taste quality of the wings is still enjoyable. The restaurant is known for having the best chicken wings in Singapore, with a unique and flavorful ranch sauce.
Food Rating
Average (Can Try)
The food at this restaurant has received mixed reviews. Some customers have mentioned that the food is nice and that they hope the standard can be maintained. They appreciate the fast serving speed, especially for take-away orders.

However, there have been instances of overcooked pizza and burnt onion rings. The service has been described as needing continuous improvement, with some staff members lacking in training and customer service skills. Overall, there is potential for improvement in both the food and service aspects.

Food Rating
Average (Can Try)
The food at this estery is standard for a chain serving French pastries and drinks. The Ceasar chicken was freshly made and heated up to a good temperature, with a good taste. Despite some minor areas to address such as the air conditioning and staff communication volume, the service was excellent.

Others have mentioned that the croissants and fillings are great compared to other places. Overall, it's a good place to chill if you have nothing to do. The green tea latte and Paris Rocher cake are decent, but better to share the cake with others because it can get quite "jelat".

Although the seating arrangement can feel a bit cramped, it is still a decent place for a coffee and snack.
Food Rating
Ok (Can Eat)

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